RAFMENNT Electrical VET Centre

RAFMENNT is a vocational, educational and training (VET) centre for electricians, electronic technicians in all industries and sectors and technicians in the fields of telecommunication, information technology, audiovisual, broadcasting and the creative industries. Our main area of responsibility is continuing education, trade master education, validation of prior learning, skills validation, workplace training and journeyman’s exams. We also provide services such as educational and vocational counselling, online library and job opportunities in the field.

Our office is located at: Stórhöfða 27, 110 Reykjavík. We are open Monday-Friday, 9-12 & 13-16, tel. 540-0160.


Continuing education and trade master education

We offer courses for skilled electricians and electronic technicians who have completed their education, either their trade education and/or their trade master education as well as for Telecom, AV, IT, Broadcast and CI technicians. Occasionally, we offer short lectures about interesting topics open for our members. We also offer trade master’s education in cooperation with technical colleges in Iceland where RAFMENNT is responsible for teaching 30 units, out of 68, of professional courses.   

Our instructors are all skilled professionals with years of experience in their field. Please note that all courses and lectures are taught in Icelandic unless otherwise stated.

For further information, please contact Hafdís at hafdis(at)rafmennt.is or by phone 540-0162.


Validation of prior learning

Validation of prior learning is for those who are 23 years old or older and have been working in the field of electricity or electronics for at least 3 years but have short or are without any, formal education.

The validation of prior learning is a systematic process designed by the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) in Iceland. During the process, all knowledge and competencies the participant has gained through various activities, such as work experience, work-related learning, informal learning, formal learning, social activities and family life, are formally documented and validated by educators in the field. In order to get validated the participants collect documents verifying their experience and fill out checklists before they meet with the assessors. On completion of the validation of prior learning, participants are offered the opportunity to enter an educational program and complete studies in their trade.

For further information, please contact Ásmundur at asmundur(at)rafmennt.is or by phone, 540-0164.


Workplace training and journeyman’s examination

RAFMENNT is a supervisor for apprenticeship contracts and journeymans’s exams for the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in the field of electrical and electronic studies.

In Iceland vocational studies are divided into formal studies in a vocational college and workplace training. The purpose of the workplace training is to promote students’ knowledge, skills and understanding of the study program’s components. Upon completion of the workplace training, the student should have acquired the skills required to pass the journeyman's examination.

The journeyman’s exams in electricity are held twice a year in February and June in Reykjavík, and Akureyri if there is enough participation. The journeyman’s exams in electro-mechanics and electrical distribution are held once a year upon request. Journeyman’s exam in electronic engineering is integrated in the formal studies usually held on the 6th or 7th semester of studies.

For further information on workplace training and journeyman’s examination please contact Guðmundur at sveinsprof(at)rafmennt.is or by phone 540-0165.


Educational and vocational counselling

RAFMENNT’s educational and vocational counsellor is Alma Sif Kristjánsdóttir. She offers individual interviews regarding continuing education, trade masters education and validation of prior learning. 

The interviews take place at the office and during opening hours. The counselling interviews are free of charge.

For further information or to book an interview please contact Alma Sif at almasif(at)rafmennt.is or by phone 540-0171.


Assessment and recognition of foreign education in electrical trades

RAFMENNT provide service for assessment and recognition of education gained overseas in electrical trades. For further information please contact  rafmennt(at)rafmennt.is 


Other information:

Authorisation of Electrical Contractors

In Iceland only those with authorisation from Mannvirkjastofnun can undertake work in the general market as electrical contractors in the field of electrical installations and repair work on all kinds of equipment and appliances, LV and HV. Mannvirkjastofnun is the competent authority responsible for the overall supervision of all electrical safety matters in Iceland, including the authorisation of electrical contractors. All electrical contractors shall establish a documented safety control system to ensure that all their activities conform to electrical safety rules and regulations. There are 540 electrical contractors in Iceland with valid authorisations. Independent accredited electrical inspection agencies authorised by Mannvirkjastofnun perform inspections of the work on electrical installations performed by electrical contractors, as well as inspections of their safety control system, in accordance with defined inspection rules and procedure policy issued by Mannvirkjastofnun. 

There are three categories of authorisation.